Wednesday, March 29, 2023


The art of Activism chp 3/ Intervention 2  

1.      “If we want to reach out to people beyond our own small circles then we need to speak in a language that is widely understood, finding inspiration in the figure that inspire others.”

When trying to reach out to or persuade others, we need to do so in an effective manner where everyone is included, and people’s voices are heard. Obtaining the public’s attention can be difficult especially when trying to reach people who may not be of the same background, don’t speak the same language, and don’t share similar views. It’s frightening to find courage to leave our comfort zone and wanting to promote change but not knowing what’s the best approach to take. One way we could do that is by creating art and making it relatable for everyone involved.

2.      “We need to be aware of the words we use, the images we employ, and the performances we stage will be made sense of in various contexts.”

Our words/language are meaningful, we need to be aware of how we use our words, and actions because they are powerful. We need to be sure we’re using it with good intention and conveying our messages in a manner that is widely understood. They can be used to build people up, confine people to where they are and break people down.

3.      “we lose a lot more often than we win, and when we win, we have to fight again the very next day to hold on to the little we gained.”

Life is full of challenges and setbacks, it’s a reminder that life is not easy and it’s important to keep fighting and making sure you try to find joy and pleasure in whatever it is you’re doing. It’s easy to let the losses overpower the wins because often we don’t give ourselves enough credit for the work that we do.

Intervention idea 2

For my second intervention, I intend on continuing with my first project but this time I will be conducting interviews and sharing the experience. I intend to take pictures and post quotes/stickers about my issue. I’m choosing to focus on this issue because it affects people who relate to me and people in my community.

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