Wednesday, March 29, 2023

3 Quotes & Intervention 2


Chapter 3  


3 quotes and Intervention 2 idea 

When we protest, we are also demonstrating to the world who we are, what we believe in, and how we’d like the world to be. P.90 

This is the message I would like to get across with my group's project on rejecting hostile architecture. I would like one day not to see people struggling with homelessness on the streets and for them to have somewhere safe to go at night. I would like more resources available for them and for them to be respected as human beings. Other people in my class have addressed other serious issues as well such as war, LGBTQA+ struggles, mental health etc. And it gives me hope that these things will change one day since there are people who see how flawed our system is. 

“We learn from past successes and past failures, from people of the past whose struggles we identify with, and those whose actions we oppose. “ P.86 

This quote reminds me of the importance of documenting news, protests, politics because history always repeats itself. But, if we learn from the past and issues that were happening in the world, we can apply that to modern times and not make those same mistakes. 


The mark of a good leader is to train others to lead, give them the tools to succeed in their own, and then get out of the way. P.96 

I really resonated with this quote because a lot of well-known leaders weren’t outwardly taught by leaders they looked up to; For example, Ghandhi didn’t teach MLK himself, but MLK took what Ghandhi preached and applied those values to his own cause. A good leader inspires others and hopes that their word reaches people who will make a positive change.  

Intervention 2 Idea: 

For my group's next intervention, we will be performing a song (we’re both musicians) that we have written outside in Journal Square (hopefully). If we do not perform this in Journal Square, we will be performing at a closer location near where we live. We will still be keeping the topic of hostile architecture since we did not fully elaborate on the idea the first time around and we feel like we have more to explore. 

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