Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Daniel Lau: Quotes and Intervention idea 2

 Chapter 3 quotes 

"We can queer mass culture by making it say things it was never designed to say, and act in ways it was never meant to act." Pg. 126

Reaction: This gives me the impression that hate and unfair discrimination is unacceptable and should be stopped already. 

The principle: perform reality

" Here, it usefully allows us to visualize and to act out our dreams, to demonstrate  our convictions or prefigure our ideals." Pg 106

Reaction: Doing a performance art can be effective when sending out a message.

"Like the image and story of Rosa parks, we know these well." Pg. 106

Reaction: Based on her actions, she sent out a message that we shouldn't let people treat us like garbage and stick with our dignity. 

Intervention 2 idea

My idea would be a performance art based on drag queens. Hate and and unfair discrimination towards drag quuens is unacceptable and they should be treated equally just like everyone else.

What I would do in my intervention is create a video of myself, dressed up as a drag queen and go out in public with no shame. You may see people's reaction of seeing me when I'm out eating or shopping. Doing this would send a message that there's no shame of how we look like and people should stop being judgemental. Because in the end, we're all human beings and should be treated with respect. 

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