Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Chapter 3 quotes + Intervention 2

 "In order to be heard and understood, an activist needs to learn how to use popular culture, but they also need to know how to transform it so that it speaks to and for their own cause” (93).

What is currently trending is something that the general population would have knowledge about and an activist should learn how to use that to their advantage for their cause. However, they can’t simply just use what is trending, they need to twist it into something that supports their cause. 

“When we act in order to bring social change it is important not only to “demonstrate” what we are against in the here and now, but also to create a vision of the world we would like to bring into being in the future” (94). 

In activism, showing what is being protested against is as important as showing the way things should be. You can’t bring about a change when you don’t even know what that change would look like. 

“A great deal of activism and political art is directed towards criticizing what we don't like” (102). 

If something isn’t favorable then it is protested against. Instead, actions should be taken to change and better what is being criticized.

Intervention 2

My idea for intervention 2 is to focus on the topic of the LGBTQ community. Interview people on their opinions on the LGBTQ community. Maybe two different sets of questions depending on if the person is part of the community or not. The plan is to have a canvas or cardboard so that after the interviews people can paint on it. There would be a color scale that ranges from positive to negative (sort of like those colored pain charts). People will choose the color that correlates with their level of agreement and paint it onto the canvas or cardboard.

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