Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Chap. 3 and Intervention Idea

1. "We frequently present others with "the facts," expecting these to speak for themselves. They rarely do. People like to visualize ideas"

There are many ways to learn and I just find it easier to grasp something if there's visuals to go along with text or the other way around. I don't have to imagine it of there's real life examples in front of me. 

2. "But sometimes the best way to bring the world we want into being is to act "as if" it is already here."

The book talked about how usually we call something out that we don't like and we think of steps to change it, but rarely do we actually see changes. After some time, it can get lost in all the other news and be forgotten.

3. "People associate the message with the messenger, and how we appear in public communicates a message that is often more powerful than the words on the pamphlets we hand out."

This reminded me of a cartoon where in the episode a character changed the way they looked to get people's attention about trash in the ocean, however, no seemed to get the message because they were focused on her appearance. 

Intervention 2 Idea:

I was thinking of maybe creating a blog that focuses on all types of media about activism. There's a lot of people out there who find it difficult to express how they feel into words, so art is a good way to convey emotions through expressions. It doesn't necessarily have to focus on one sole topic like gun violence or climate change, but it can focus on any to give everyone a way to visualize different topics. 

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