Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Chapter 3 quotes, and Intervention 2 idea.

 "We are taught that history is made, and changed, by leaders. This is partly true: leaders often provide the skills, perspectives, examples, and charisma that is necessary for social movements. But it is people who make up those movements, and if the change is to be far-reaching and sustainable, then all of us must be the movement. The mark of a good leader is to train others to lead, give them the tools to succeed on their own, and get out of the way." (page 96)

I loved this quote so much, this whole section talks about how Jesus was an activist. The fact that I was an activist is something that I never thought about. He got mad at the temple of Jerusalem, and he gave speeches about how angry he was, on top of that, he destroyed the place. But the reason this quote stood up to me is that a lot of people have different meanings of why Jesus didn’t fight at the moment of his crucifixion. This book’s version is so far my favorite, Jesus was trying to tell people that he was not his savior. Yes, he gave them the tools, but it was up to the people to save themselves. I think that is why Jesus was a good leader, he led and educated people the best way he could, and then he removed himself from the equation. As the chapter states movements by the people, take more than one person to get going and spread the message. 

"We never start at zero, and it's a mistake to think we create something from nothing. We are always drawing from repositories of words, images, and meanings that already exist. This is what makes changing society so hard: we are working within the very culture we are trying to change. But within even the most oppressive of societies, there are pockets of counter-culture and of resistance that provide a cultural foundation-stories, songs, and institutions-upon which we can build." (page 104)

This is another quote that stood up to me because this is another thing that I have never stopped and thought about. Everything that we do comes from somewhere, and I believe what makes it original is when we add things that are more personal and important to us. This part of the lesson talks about The U.S. Civil Rights Movement, and it talks specifically about a stage image when a black woman (Rosa Parks) refused to give her seat to a white man on a bus in Montgomery, Alabama. Even though this was all staged, of course, these actions came from a real problem. As the chapter states she was not the first woman to get arrested for not giving her seat to a white man. All those experiences that black people had to go through were what gave artists and activists inspiration. Past experiences give us a voice and numerous ways to get inspired and do something good with it. That’s why it is always important to remember that we can always look back, and change injustices or whatever we think needs fixing or a voice. 

"The work that many of us do as activists can be grueling, and the world we open our eyes to is depressing. We lose a lot more often than we win, and even when we win, we have to fight again the very next day to hold on to the little we gained. It's easy to get dispirited as an activist. Because of this, it is important to bring creativity, joy, pleasure, and play into activism. Not only because it is a more effective way to get our messages across and entice others to join us, but, equally as important because it'll keep us doing the work that needs to be done, not as a chore or burden, but as invigorating, energizing, creative play." (page 128)

In conclusion, I loved this quote because it is true and at the same time sad. Activists have to fight hard for what they want, and that’s why it is important to add joy, art, and creativity to whatever we are fighting for. I laughed so hard at senator Jesse Helms's story and how the activist wrapped his house in a giant condom. I couldn’t believe what I was reading, it was a very risky thing to do, but that was so funny! Haha. Adding playfulness, as the chapter states, doesn’t make it look like a chore, and it will keep the movement and the cause afloat. It is important to have patience and believe in what we do, and of course, keep the creativity alive, that’s the key.

Intervention 2 idea:

For my second intervention, I am going to expand my first intervention. I am going to include more people. I am going to take photographs and do interviews. My second project will look like a documentary, with conversations, and images. 

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