Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Chapter 3: Act of Activism & Intervention 2

 Chapter 3 Quotes and Responses 


“We never start at zero, and it’s a mistake to think we create something from nothing.” (pg. 104)

-       This quote stood out to me because I feel like often, we forget that originality can only go so far. We can’t really create something out of nothing because whether we acknowledge it or not, everything comes from something. Our thoughts, our beliefs, our styles – these are things that are picked up from preconceived things, things that already exist on their own. We reconstruct the origin of something into another thing that seems more “us.” 


“By dramatizing those aspects of reality that are hard to see, or that we are reluctant to look at, we can make the invisible visible.” (pg. 109)

-       As activists and artists, it’s important to tackle the things that ae usually not spoken about. Most of the time, social issues are swept under the rug because they are deemed too uncomfortable or inappropriate. With the right resources, individuals can bring more acknowledgement to these issues. Speaking more on the hard-hitting topics can eventually turn into something bigger and can ultimately turn into something that is now impossible to ignore.


“The principle: transform tradition. We sometimes get hung up on what we think activists and artists, protests, and movements, are supposed to look like – this often being based on how things have looked in the past, or in other places. “(pg. 124) 


-       This quote really stood out to me because I feel like keeping traditions alive is sweet, however if we’re talking about activism, it’s a different story. In activism, I believe it's best to take away from previous artists and their purpose and use that to inspire us. 

Intervention 2 Idea: 

- For my second intervention idea I was thinking of expanding more on generational trauma but this time involving other writers in a video in which we start off with a few questions and then move on to their writing. 

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