Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Chapter 3 and Intervention Idea II


    For my second intervention, the focus will be on our dreams and goals and how they can affect our mental health. With these interview clips, I will also include a short art film with the objective of motivating viewers to keep on going and find balance in taking care of themselves and achieving their goals. I believe that it is important to shed light on this issue because it can lead to feelings of inadequacy, stress, anxiety, and even depression. When we set goals that are too difficult or impossible to achieve, we can feel overwhelmed and demotivated. This can lead to a negative spiral where we start to doubt ourselves and our abilities, which can have a long-term impact on our mental health.


Quote 1: "We learn from past successes and past failures, from people of the past whose struggles we identify with, and from those whose actions we oppose."

    This quote really resonates with me. It reminds me that our experiences, both good and bad, can be valuable sources of learning and growth. We can learn so much from those who have gone before us, whether we identify with their struggles or their actions challenge us. Our past can be a guide for our future if we're willing to learn from it.

Quote 2: "When we act in order to bring about social change, it’s important not only to “demonstrate” what we are against in the here and now, but also to create a vision of the world we would like to bring into being in the future. It is not enough to merely criticize the way things are."

    I couldn't agree more with this quote. It's so easy to get caught up in what we don't want and what's wrong with the world, but it's equally important to have a clear vision of what we do want and how we can work towards it. By focusing on creating a better future, we can inspire others and work towards a positive change. Criticizing the current state of things can only get us so far, but having a clear vision of the future can help us stay motivated and focused on what we can achieve.

Quote 3: "Protesting the sexual objectification of women, they tossed bras and girdles into a “Freedom Trash Can,” creating a counter-spectacle to challenge normative societal ideals of women’s fashion and beauty. These new feminists were of course trashing some of the same symbols of traditional womanhood mobilized by their sisters half a century before."

    I love this activist action. It is such a brilliant idea; not only it challenges societal norms in order to achieve true equality for all, but I imagined myself taking part in it: As a woman who has been belittled for my gender, I can fully express my anger toward this issue as I throw symbols of traditional womanhood in the freedom trash can.   

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