Tuesday, March 28, 2023

devanee's ch.3 quotes/ 2nd intervention idea

 Quote 1: "In order to be heard and understood, an activist needs to learn how to use popular culture, but they also need to know how to transform it so that it speaks to and for their own cause."(pg.93)

My initial thought was how true this statement was especially in today's society. you will see a lot f content creators on social media that take what is trending right now or trending sounds to advocate or get the audience to notice them. I feel as though really knowing and understanding the culture around you can be essential and benefit you as an activist if used in the correct manner. You don't just want to follow a wave and it has nothing to do with what you're trying to advocate for. 

Quote 2: "This is what makes society so hard: we are working within the very culture we are trying to change." (pg. 104)

I thought this was a good transition quote from my first one because yes, although our society has made it easy to share anything, this very culture can be sort of detrimental to what we want to do. I believe in the society we live night now has to be the harshest and most overstimulating thing ever, which can make it very hard to speak your truth, because not everyone will agree, and being transparent about being an activist now I feel takes ALOT more courage. More courage to face criticism, hate, and maybe even death threats depending on the topic you are speaking on. 

Quote 3: " The powerful maintain their power by deciding who or what can act and be acted upon, and defining who and what counts as 'political.'"(pg.122)

I found this quote not only true for activism but within life as well. The people or the most successful usually don't let others decide for them what to focus on and what to do. How you decide what is really important for you can get you a lot farther and help you cut out any distractions or outside noise. Also the more you act upon what you believe the more it will come to fruition. 

2nd Intervention Idea/ Plan 

So my plan is to actually create an Instagram account or relate to Puerto Rico and the idea of us being displaced. But I would also post information and use my design format to create visual images on the account as well. I plan on including videos and clips and film or ask other puerto ricans and even expand to Latinos how they feel about white people and tourism within their own land. I want to speak on this because for many years people of privilege have been able to use their privilege to get what they want and displace people of their own homes and cultures and I just feel more people need to be informed. 

go to puerto rican or Latino heavy places or gentrified places that have changed the environment around and perform a small act of being a bit more obnoxious to see how people react about it and post to the page.  

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