Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Chapter 3 & Intervention II Idea

 Intervention Idea

    For the second part of my intervention, I will create a video where I interview individuals that are familiar with thee struggles of having their natural hair. I will ask them various questions pertaining to their hair and ask them to show pictures of different stages and styles of their hair. I realized that the video that I was going to do in intervention one is basically the same idea as this one. the questions that I will ask are as follows:

  • "Do you know what the Crown Act is?"
  • "Do you know which states have already passed the Crown Act?"
  • "How do you feel about the Crown Act only just being passed in 2019... only four years ago? Should it have been sooner?"
  • "Have you ever felt discriminated against because of your natural hair?"
  • "Have you ever felt like you had to change your hair depending on certain events to look more "presentable"?"
  • "What does your natural hair mean to you?"
  • "What can we do as a community to to uplift our youth who might be struggling with embracing they natural beauty and natural hair?"

The Art of Activism

"In the United States we use the words "demonstrate" and "protest" synonymously. It's a meaningful slippage, and one we don't think about enough. When we protest we are also demonstrating to the world who we are . . ."

    I find this quote so interesting because I never thought of protest as a demonstration. I actually never used the words synonymously as the quote says. When I think about demonstrations, I often think of teaching. Because of this, I think it's very powerful for them to be used together because an important part of activism is teaching and showing people who you are and what you believe in. 

"His moral: that an effective activist, if they want to reach anyone with their message, needs to adapt to who, what, and where people already are to "become all things to all people."

    I love this quote because I think its the best way to capture an audience. This pertains to activism as well as normal life. Empathy is such a great skill to have because it makes the person who you are empathizing with more open to what you have to say. I think it is important to be empathetic and understand your audience so that you can effectively communicate points in a way that is palatable. 

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