Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Sydney Epps Intro

Hello! My name is Sydney Epps. I am a junior majoring in Art Therapy. I was born and raised in Somerset NJ. I am Jamaican. I love to paint, draw and make sculptures. My passion for art came from a young age. I was surrounded by it and later fell in love with it. I'm shy at first but once I become comfortable with you, I'm very outgoing :)

5 social issues

1. The paying gap between females and males 

2. Women’s Rights/ Women’s Health 

3. Gun violence 

4. Climate Change

5. Food Storage/ Inflation

The artist that I was inspired by is Shepard Fairey. I was briefly introduced to him in high school when we looked deeper into the portrait he made of Obama. His work spreads awareness towards gun control and supports women of color. He's really passionate about the issues that are happening in this world and portrays them really well even if it's not through painting or drawing. In ways like making t-shirts or protesting. 

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