Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Karen Osorio's Intro

 I am very passionate about color being present in an individual's artwork. I enjoy looking at things that are sometimes considered overstimulating, messy, or "too much." Two social issues that I find particular interest in are feminism and the LGBTQ community. My interest in the two have always been rooted deep within me due to the fact that I've always been aware of the belittling and the minimization of the two. As a young girl I wondered why I couldn't do certain things and reading "Understanding Patriarchy" by bell hooks reminded me instantly of this time in my life where I was very interested in anything that looked or even remotely resembled a rock or mineral. Shortly after, that interest transitioned into collecting marbles. I was only about 7 or 8 years old. My father has always been fairly reserved when it comes to commentary on others and what they're doing. My mother however was infuriated by my usage of these marbles because she told me, "those are for boys." I really do think that my parents being indirectly homophobic is what led up to my interest on the LGBTQ backlash issue. These two issues are very common and are more often than not generational.

The artist that I have chosen for this particular assignment was Andy Warhol. During the late 1960's there was a transgender and AIDS activist by the name of Marsha P. Johnson. Her outspoken and courageous character helped charge up the LGBTQ civil rights movement. An inspired Warhol created a series titled "Ladies and Gentlemen". This series paid homage to Johnson in two of the pieces in which it displayed vibrant and colorful tones. This was Warhol's creative touch used in order to illustrate how charismatic these women are and how unapologetically they live their lives. The first photo is from Warhol's "Ladies and Gentlemen" series and the latter is my inspired portrait. 

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