Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Intervention II: College students on setting goals and mental health

 "The cultural symbols, stories, characters, and images that already exist in the world can inspire and be mobilized in the service of artistic activism in order to change that world" (The Art of Activism, p. 98). This quote inspired my second intervention. For my project, I interviewed college students about their stories, particularly their goals and how these affect their mental state. Their stories that already existed, and with this, it can be used to provide comfort to those who need it and motivate them to continue working on their dreams despite all the challenges they could face without sacrificing their health. I believe that we should care for one another because it promotes a sense of community and social connection, improves physical and mental health, builds trust and cooperation, and creates a safer and more secure environment. 

I came up with 5 questions to ask my interviewees:

    1. Have you ever set unrealistic goals for yourself? If so, share one goal, and why?

    2. How can the pressure to achieve these unrealistic goals contribute to your feelings of anxiety and         stress?

    3. What are some common signs of unrealistic goal-setting that can negatively impact mental health?

    4. Why is it important to recognize and adjust unrealistic goals to avoid burnout and mental                      exhaustion?

    5. Advice on people in the process of learning about setting realistic goals.

Setting unrealistic goals for ourselves is quite common, particularly in today's world of social media and constant comparison, especially the youth. Many young people are bombarded with messages about success and achievement, which can lead to the pressure of setting high expectations for themselves. This can be particularly challenging for youth who are still figuring out their passions and strengths, leading to goals that are unrealistic and unattainable. It's important for parents, educators, and mental health professionals to recognize this pressure and provide support and guidance for youth to set realistic goals that are aligned with their capabilities and strengths.

It's important to recognize unrealistic goals for our mental health because they can trigger negative thoughts and emotions, leading to feelings of failure and low self-esteem. This can be damaging to our overall well-being and increase stress and anxiety, which can have negative physical effects on our bodies. By setting achievable goals, we can avoid these negative thought patterns and emotions, reduce stress and anxiety, and maintain a positive self-image, leading to improved mental health over time.

If you're learning to set attainable goals for yourself, start small, prioritize self-care, practice positive self-talk, seek support, and celebrate your successes. Remember that setting attainable goals is an ongoing process, so be patient and kind to yourself as you work towards achieving them. By prioritizing your mental health and setting realistic goals, you can achieve personal growth without sacrificing your well-being. As mentioned in the book, "But it’s important to remember that process is just that: a process, and the point of a process is progression toward a goal. (pg. 83)"

Link to the intervention:

                                                                    Works Cited

Duncombe, Stephen, and Steve Lambert. The Art of Activism: Your All-Purpose Guide to Making The Impossible Possible. O/R, 2021.

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