Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Intervention 2

    For my second intervention project, I chose to focus on a new topic. I chose the LGBTQ community to be the focus of my new project. I am a member of the community and aware of the fact that not everyone experiences the same hardships. I have read some material on how LGBTQ students and staff members have been treated by the education system over the years. I have watched videos of the experiences of other LGBTQ members. Throughout the years the opinions regarding the community are always fluctuating as people continue to advocate for and against the community. 

    Much of the hatred for the LGBTQ community is rooted in the culture and beliefs that some people have been shaped by. In The Art of Activism, it is stated ”we are working within the very culture we are trying to change” (104). There exist people who see the ways of culture as absolute and refuse to change their ways. At the same time, there are other people who view culture as dated and need to form their own unbiased views. 

    The goal of my intervention is to depict the public’s opinion of the LGBTQ community. There is a certain percentage of the population who don’t think favorably of the community and wish to have a heterosexual and cisgender world. In The Arts of Activism, it is stated ”when we act in order to bring social change it is important not only to “demonstrate” what we are against in the here and now, but also to create a vision of the world we would like to bring into being in the future” (94). Expressing that not only do we have to show that hating the LGBTQ community is wrong but also show how people within the community need to be treated. I have prepared a short list of questions to ask people regarding the community such as if they have any experience with the community or heard any news regarding them. Afterward, the people were asked to pick a color ranging from a color scale of positive to negative in accordance with their feelings regarding the community and place it onto a piece of cardboard in any manner they see fit. 

Works Cited

Duncombe, Stephen, and Steve Lambert. The Art of Activism: Your All-purpose Guide to Making the Impossible Possible. OR Books, LLC, 2021.

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