Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Intervention idea plus two quotes

For my first intervention, I want to talk about social media, and how sometimes what we see in it is not truthful to how people feel. Sometimes we see posts of people on social media and think things like "that person looks happy, why I am not that happy?" "That person looks so good, why I don't feel like that?". I will take some screenshots of some posts I have done on Instagram, images that I have makeup, and photoshop in it. I will print them. Then I will self-portraits of myself with no makeup, and no photoshop in me, showing the parts that I dislike about me the most, and I will share some personal issues I deal with that I never share on social media. I will present it in a poster collage, half of the social media, and half of the self-portraits I took of myself being vulnerable. By showing it side by side I want to show the contrast that makes the two sides next to each other. Later on, I want to include my friends, family members, and classmates in this project, but because this is such a personal matter I will use just myself this time around. My hope is when people see that I did it will want to participate as well. I want this project to grow and become something big in the future.

Here is an example of how the collage might look when I layered it, but it might change.

Here are my 2 inspirational quotes. 

"Our work needs to come out of love." (Duncombe, Lambert, pg. 59")

I am a mom, my daughter has 11 years old, and this is a project that I would love her to see and learn from it, and understand that social media is not always truthful. I also want all the people who have to feel insecure to know that they are not alone.

"The inventor is always trying to find new ways to solve problems by experimenting without judgment." (Duncombe, Lambert, pg. 63)

All I want is to create awareness, I am not judging anyone. 

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