Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Daniel Lau's 800 word essay

Daniel Lau


ART 263                                        Danielle Scott’s Art Pieces

The two works that stood out to me the most are Queen of Angels, 2020, mixed medium assemblage on vintage ironing board. The second is Griff, 2022, cross and aluminum noose. The Queen of Angels, 2020 is a representation of her journey. The concept is educated since she used crucial vocabulary words in her art piece. Her art piece gives me the impression that despite the hard obstacles, you can still overcome them and be successful. The second work, Griff, 2022 is a representation of suffering. The hands give me the impression of people begging for the torment to end. Is the Queen of Angels an activist workpiece? The art piece can be related to activism such as sexism, but it can even relate to everyday life. In general, people have to work hard in order to be successful because, in reality, it’s not magic. The art piece can be related to sexism since back then the unfair treatment of women was intense, and it was harder for women to get a job back then. However, despite all that, the artist gives us a message that with a strong mentality and self-respect, you can be on top. This art piece leaves an impact on the audience since sexism still exists to this day, just in a different form. Women still go through unfair discrimination such as workplaces, they still get paid less than men, and are not given enough credit that they deserve. With that said, the Queen of Angels can encourage women to not give up, keep pushing forward and raise awareness for gender equality. In bell hooks, it says, “Patriarchy is a political- social system that insists that males are inherently dominating, superior to everything and everyone deemed weak, especially females.” This quote gives me the impression of sexism given the fact they believe men are superior, unlike women. Susan Sontag said “What is most beautiful in virile men is something feminine. What is most beautiful in feminine women is something masculine.” Her quote tells me that despite our different genders, we can take different roles in our everyday lives. In The Art of Activism, it says "The march was viewed by the New York Times, no great friend of feminism, as one of the most impressively beautiful spectacles ever staged in this country. Seven years later, the nineteenth Amendment to the Constitution was passed by Congress and signed by the president, giving women the right to vote.” This quote gives the fact that if women are patient and keep fighting to the end, then they’ll be rewarded for all their efforts.  If we want gender equality to improve, we have to fix the system. Improving work-life balance can benefit both sides. Having a woman as a mentor can help to improve since it can allow people to learn different working positions and leadership styles.  Is Griff, 2022 an activist workpiece? It can be related to activism such as racism, but it can also relate to suffering and desperation. The unfair discrimination against African Americans was intense back then. The harassment makes them suffer physically and mentally. Unfortunately, racism still exists to this day, just in a different form. When it comes to suffering, this art piece gives us an interpretation of the poor innocent people begging for unfair discrimination and harassment to end. The poor people back then were even desperate for food and money in order to survive. This art piece also leaves an impact on the audience. Since racism still exists today, it can encourage people to raise awareness to stop racism. Changing the system for equality can benefit both sides and for the sake of the future. In The Art of Activism, it says “When the button on the fountain is pushed no water comes out immediately. Instead, the video screen lights up and scenes from civil rights protests from the 1960s are played.” This technique of activism draws attention to people to raise awareness of racism. In the book, it also says “If somebody is interested and wants to see the history of it, that’s fine, County Commissioner Mike Cantrell said. “But, to force people to wait forty-five seconds to get a drink, you basically make that water fountain inoperable.” I think it’s OK to wait forty-five seconds for water,” the fellow commissioner said. “Some of us have waited forty-five years and longer.” After nearly a decade of governmental wrangling, the drinking fountain was installed in 2013.” This quote gives me the fact that even a simple technique can make a huge impact. With activism, you also have to be creative in order to grab people’s attention. Being artistic not only benefits the activists to start a movement, but it also makes the world a  better place by making our voices be heard. Just like Danielle Scott’s art pieces making an influence on us. 

Griff, 2022
Queen of Angels, 2020
Black and white selfie, deflated

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