Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Daniel Lau Intervention Idea

Intervention idea: Men's Mental Health 

The concept of my intervention s designed T'shirts for raising awareness of men's mental health issues. From, it says “On February 6th, 2017, I ran out of my philosophy class because I had a severe panic attack. That week I had at least one major panic attack a day, which were only quelled by some leftover Xanax I was prescribed because of my generalized anxiety. With the help of a psychiatrist, I was able to get through the week. Afterwards, I sat in my living room with my family in tears because I felt there was no way I return to school in this condition. But with their love and support, I found the last ounce of strength I had to trust the medication I was prescribed and went back to school." This was a story from a young man named Mike Walsh who suffers anxiety. Personally, I don't believe taking medications is the answer to help men's mental health issues, what they really need is support from their loved one and friends. They have to know they're not alone struggling with these health issues and they can be willing to overcome them. From, it says “My battle with mental health has been a constant back and forth for a period of 8 years. The specific problems I deal with are depression, anxiety, dermatillomania (skin picking disorder) and body dysmorphia. To begin with, it took me 2 years to actually become aware of my problems as I originally just assumed this was all part of growing up and it would pass with time. Unfortunately this wasn’t the case and although my problems have grown stronger it’s also made me grow stronger as a person. I know I still have a long journey ahead of me but the improvements I’ve made already are a strong enough incentive to keep me going. I’m now in a position where instead of hiding my problems away I’m able to completely express myself online in hope that I’m able to help others along the way.” This was a story from a man named Connor Windmill who has several problems with his mental health. It's unfortunate for anybody discovering their problems late rather than earlier. People could feel vulnerable when they're not prepared to fight against their mental health problems. Raising awareness of anyone with mental health problems could encourage people to battle them and make them stronger. I would be giving out designed T-shirts for raising awareness of men's mental health problems.

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