Thursday, May 11, 2023

Intervention Project 1 - Caterina Da Souza

First Intervention Project 

Caterina Da Souza 

Save the Turtles Movement💚🐢🐢

This project was inspired by the "Save the turtles movement". Saving sea turtles is essential from an ecological perspective for preserving biodiversity and the harmony of marine ecosystems. Seagrass beds, coral reefs, and other marine organisms all benefit from the presence of sea turtles in a variety of settings.

Sea turtles embody the resilience and beauty of our planet's oceans. Their ancient lineage spans millions of years, surviving countless challenges and changes. Yet, today they face a daunting threat that could extinguish their existence forever.

These marvelous creatures, these gentle wanderers of the seas, are entangled in a struggle against human actions. Coastal development encroaches upon their precious nesting beaches, disturbing their fragile life cycle. Pollution, from plastics to oil spills, contaminates their home, suffocating their chances of survival. And the relentless march of climate change warms our oceans, bleaching coral reefs that provide essential feeding grounds for sea turtles.

the first two pictures, show the design first created on paper with the result at the end 

In these pictures above, you can appreciate me using my shoes with my new style on 

"Skip the straw, save the turtles"💚😎😢🐢

The purpose for this intervention project was to create awareness about the real things that are happening in our world and to be more conscious about our plastic consumptions. I consider myself an artist but when it comes to fashion, even if I'm not that into fashion or take it as my hobby, I love it and I like to observe the different looks people can create no matter the style. I like to understand it, appreciate it and entertain myself watch people express themselves with fashion (no matter the style). Therefore, I know that there's people that also think and observe like me and I had the idea of painting a design that was catchy and also send my message on saving the turtles starting in a way that we all can by stop on using plastic straws that we do not need at the end of the day. Also, damaging our planet day by day. Change starts by just taking action and having the courage to express yourself to change things. I also while using my "skip the straw save the turtles" shoes. I showed an alternative use for straws, having a coffee using a stainless steel straw. to give ideas to people to realize the problem and finding a good solution and start changing at least some minds with my design of turtles and a short message that will stay in their minds for most of people that are curious like I am, with "why do my shoes look different" and realizing other problems that exists besides the ones that have and the change that we can make to at least help in a way our planet. Starting a new chapter of maybe stop using more plastic in many more ways.

It was a great experience connecting with this topic. It made me realize how much I can do for my planet. For the time I'm here with the blessing of being alive. First I realized that if I want to change the game I have to start by stop using plastic on my day to day. And its something that I like a lot about this experience. With life going so fast I feel like we don't get to thing a lot about other things besides ourselves that we don't realize how much we can do for our planet by just taking better decisions

In this pictures you can see me painting my design on my shoes💙🌊

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