Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Final Intervention - Internet's Influence on children


Hello, I'm Rafael Alvarez and I have decided to make my intervention on the Internet's

influence on children. Technology has changed our personalities in some way or another,

and newborns are no exception. From the second children are born, what they remember and do

from their first couple years develops into their brain and giving them access to the

internet at such an early age is not good for their brain development. As someone who grew

up not ever really going out unless I had to and only every focusing what was on Youtube

from my entire childhood, I gotta say it wasn't really helping me in the long run. I didn't

understand how to talk to people normally or even think I was acting odd around people

growing up, being very oblivious because I hadn't really ever thought about it. I grew up

being very loud and yelling whenever I didn't get time to use the internet, that then went

to me doing the same thing whenever I was having trouble in school. All I ever had on my

mind was when's the next time I am gonna be able to scroll through Youtube again for I

would say about 10 years I say until early high school. During high school, I had found out

that not everyone really liked my odd behavior, something that I realize now that people

also probably didn't like during middle school except I was too oblivious to realize. Then

for the rest of my time I had decided to stay quite and never act like how I did previous

to high school, a complete personality shift just because I didn't know how to handle it and

all I could think of was acting edgy will have people tolerate me more probably. I had made

this artwork as a representation of how the internet can affect children if left

unsupervised to it for years, becoming obsessed with it and making their whole identity

around it.

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