Tuesday, April 25, 2023

LGBTQ Community

As a young queer adult in today’s society, I can easily access information on the internet through the use of my phone. However, I find myself disconnected from the world beyond what goes on in my everyday life. As a queer person, I should be aware of the news regarding the LGBTQ community and what affects me as a member. And beyond that, I should also be aware of how it affects other members of the community. I can use the internet to my advantage to research information and engage with fellow LGBTQ members.

The method I find best to share information and engage with fellow members is through Tumblr. It’s a blog website that can be used for social networking. The idea to start my own blog on Tumblr was due to Kimberly Drew. She started her own blog to create a space to find black artists and focused on researching information to keep people aware. In "This Is What I Know About Art", Drew writes “first, I started posting about artists that I’d already learned of: Jamel Shabazz, then Samuel Fosso, Nick Cave, and Mickalene Thomas” (Drew 21). This represents that you don’t need to be an expert on the subject when posting. When she first started her blog she already had some prior knowledge. She built upon that knowledge through research. So I decided to start my blog with prior knowledge that I already have and build upon it through research.

Through my project I wanted to connect with fellow members of the LGBTQ through experiences they may have had and news. I wanted to show that they are not alone. While everyone may have different experiences there are those who may have similarities with their own lives. 

I reached my audience through the use of Tumblr. It is a popular blogging website that is used by a lot of people. In The Art of Activism, it is stated: "In order to be heard and understood, an activist needs to learn how to use popular culture, but they also need to know how to transform it so that it speaks to and for their own cause” (Duncombe and Lambert 93). I used this website for my cause. I created blogs with information that I am aware of. I took what I learned and tried to relate it to experiences others may have had. 

Works Cited

Drew, Kimberly. This Is What I Know About Art. Penguin Young Readers Group, 2020.

Duncombe, Stephen, and Steve Lambert. The Art of Activism: Your All-purpose Guide to Making the Impossible Possible. OR Books, LLC, 2021.

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