Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Daniel Lau, Intervention 2

Daniel Lau                                  Intervention 2: Drag Queen

Drag queens have been a part of LGBTQ+ culture for many years and have played important roles in advocating for queer rights and visibility. They provide an outlet for self-expression, creativity, and individuality for people who might feel marginalized or oppressed in traditional gender or sexual roles. Additionally, drag is also an art form that requires hours of preparation, skill, and creativity. Overall, drag queens are an important and celebrated aspect of LGBTQ+ culture, and their contribution to society deserves recognition and respect. It's also worth to take consideration that the unfair discrimination towards drag queens is unfair and unacceptable.


With my intervention, I made a video with my sister that represents the general idea of the unfair treatment towards drag queens. The story goes with a drag queen named Daniella who's in a relationship with Chris. In the beginning it's going looks positive with Daniella making lots of preparations before going out for lunch with her boyfriend. As the story goes on, you're going to see a change of vibe of Daniella's relationship with Chris. At the end of the story, it would exemplify the struggles that drag queens are still going through and fighting at the same time. Not only the ending could interpret Daniella's dysfunctional relationship with Chris, it could also interpret that this isn't the first time she's been struggling being in a relationship with someone just because of her identity.

When I interacted with some people in the cafe restaurant as a drag queen, they treated me with a lot of respect and kindness. Not only that makes me feel thankful, but it makes me wish that there's more good people in this world and for people to change. In Latimes.com, it says “would have been a dream” to have drag story hours when she was a kid, she said, adding that it “would have helped me so much to be myself. So I’m trying to give that to other kids, whether they grow up to be gay or transgender or not.” This quote was from a drag queen named Sylvia O’Stayformore, it's unfortunate for anyone who struggles to come out of their shell, especially if it's late. In general, it shouldn't be that way. No one should be ashamed or insecure of their identities, because in the end, we're all human beings still. People who are obnoxious to LGBTQ wouldn't only make things worse, but also make a bad influence to the younger generation if they haven't come out of their shells yet. 

In Insider.com, it says "In an interview with federal authorities, Penny "admitted to building the Molotov cocktails" in an attempt to burn the church, telling authorities he "was trying to protect children and stop the drag show event." Basically this quote was about a man named Penny attempting to burn down the building where the  Drag Queen Story Hour takes place. Knowing that this happened on the last week of March makes me feel sad and disgusted. The fact that Penny had the nerve to use a terrible excuse of "protecting the children" is infuriating. Drag Queen Story Hour is an event to help children to read books and come out of their shells, what's the harm with that? Personally, I believe in diversity, and without that, this world be obnoxious. Unfortunately, we still live in a reality where people still show their dark nature towards drag queens, but that doesn't mean we should give up fighting. Lastly, RIP Heklina.


Latimes.com How drag queen story hour became a battle over gender, sexuality and kids

Insider.com  A Drag Queen Story Hour in Ohio spent $20,000 on security after a man was arrested for attempting to burn the venue down with Molotov cocktails


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