Wednesday, March 22, 2023

"This Is What I Know About Art" by Kimberly Drew. Two Quotes.

 "My first art-related memory is from kindergarten. From a very young age, I have known 'my lane' . . . I refused my teacher's expectations, turning instead to my immediate community of peers so that I would not have to perform labor I had no interest in performing." (page 11)

    This quote stuck out to me the most because it reminded me of myself and my little sisters when they were in certain grades. I was lucky enough to have a few teachers that gave me leeway to explore different assignments in my own way. Were there some tribulations and objections along the way? Sure; I just never felt the inclination to conform to what was expected of me.

"Receiving an empty diploma booklet was a welcome metaphor for how much work I still had to do." (Page 28)

   This quote honestly reminded me of when I graduated highschool in 2020. Being that I have accomplished a milestone while being in quarantine, I felt as though my experience was watered down due to the world's situation at the time. I was struggling to find a way to make my college experience much more different than the end of my high school career, but the beginning months were still a struggle. Nonetheless, I knew that despite the obstacles that COVID had brought to me, I needed to put myself in a mindset where I still had much to accomplish in my life, and that no matter how I had to do it, I was going to focus on my goals and accomplish them.

As for Spring Break, I spent most of it resting & working until Friday. I took my trip to Washington D.C with two of my friends and saw the Hirshorn museum. Here's a couple pictures from one of the exhibits.

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