Sunday, March 26, 2023

Chapter 3: History & Intervention 2 Draft Amelvis Villafane

 Chapter 3 History

“In order to be heard and understood, an activist needs to learn how to use popular culture, but they also need to know how to transform it so that it speaks to and for their own cause.” page 93

In this section they talk about the principle of “use the spectacular vernacular” and they discuss the importance of popular culture and how impactful a message can be if we use pop culture in our activism. Now operating in pop culture isn't enough. You need to know how to reform pop culture as a means to convey your messages and speak to your values. To just participate within it isn't enough, you need to slightly manipulate it, while making sure it gets the attention within popular culture. In this principle they use the explanation of Jesus refusing to use his gifts as a means of entertainment, and personal gain. Instead his gifts (his means of popular culture) were used to accurately represent what he stood for, helping the people. It didn’t matter what spectacles happened or not but what messages came out of it. His refusal to use his gifts selfishly showed that he wasn’t for selfish needs, and his acts of using his gifts proved that he was for the people, he cared for them. 

“We are often taught that history is made, and changed, by leaders. This is partly true: leaders often provide the skills, perspectives, examples, and charisma that are necessary for social movements. But it is people who make up those movements, and if change is to be far-reaching and sustainable, then all of us must be the movement.” page 96. 

This is the principle of “empower the people”. Here they are talking about how in most movements there is a face/ leader but it is the job of the leader to train everyone else to lead and give them tools to succeed on their own, and get out of their way. Meaning it is the leader's job to teach, help, support and then encourage everyone else that the movement and abilities are now within them and they make up the movement as well. 

“ performance is useful for dramatizing what already exists. Sometimes reality needs help.” page 106 

In this principle they are discussing how an effective means of protest needs to perform reality. Here they talk about setting the stage for an effective event that will get everyone’s attention. At the SCLC campaign in Birmingham they staged a protest in a town that they knew was known for its racism, violence and its Theophilius Eugene Bull Conner ( a former KKK member who was at the time a Commissioner of Public Safety. They expected him to be radical and drastic towards their protests. And what they expected is exactly what happened. They used the reality of the world to get people's attention and expose the truths. 

Intervention 2 Draft

Creating a Youtube Channel where I use my nieces and the graphic novel series Heart Stopper to explain what it means to be apart of the LGBTQ community and explain what it is like to be queer and understanding sexuality and issues closely related to members of queer community, like depression, anxiety, eating disorders, bullying, victims of abuse and etc. 

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