Monday, March 27, 2023

Art of Activism quotes/ intervention 2

When we act in order to bring social change it is important not only to “demonstrate” what we are against in the here and now, but also to create a vision of the world we would like to bring into being in the future. 

Everyone knows about the problems going on in this world and some people may be led to believe that things are too far gone and cannot be fixed. I believe giving people a vision of how the world can be if we work to fix these problems will inspire more people to become activists and create change. For example, showing people how amazing the world can be if we coexist peacefully and are not worried about nuclear wars can be very helpful instead of just cramming news into our faces every morning. The average person does not know the benefits of countries like the USA and Russia being “friends” and they may think we are better off being separate, but if activists paint a picture of how the future can look, I believe this will motivate people to “step off the curb.” 

While its often impossible to change the physical realities of our situation, we can change the ways in which people make sense of that reality. 

I like to think of this quote as, you shouldn’t stress over the things you can’t change, but you can change your mindset and work towards shaping a better future. For example, death is inevitable but while we are on earth, we shouldn’t spend our days thinking about when we’re going to die, we just live our lives and work towards being happy and healthy. This quote is important to me personally because sometimes things happen in my life that I have no control over, but I always shift my mindset and think positively instead of wishing things weren't how they are. 


We never start at zero, and it is a mistake to think we create something from nothing. We are always drawing from repositories of words images and meanings that already exist. 

This quote is probably my Favorite quote so far because it is a conversation that surrounds fashion and art In general. Now, I do not think it is okay to directly copy anyone's designs or images, but I do think that everything you create takes inspiration from something in some way. This is very important because everyone has their own view of the world and their own personal experiences that help them create art through their Lense and that’s what makes it different than the thing, they took inspiration from. I personally spend hours researching vintage garments and studying designers that came before me, but I NEVER directly copy anything and always.  



For my second intervention, I am going to finish sewing this jacket I made out of denim and go out and physically protest with an anti-war poster I made. I am going to take pictures and document my experience. I chose to protest because anti-war movements were huge in the 60s and everyone was outside protesting in their jean jackets and bell bottoms. I want to feel how they felt and I felt the best way to do that would be to go outside and subject myself to whatever the world throws at me. I also chose to protest alone because it isolates me, much like how soldiers may feel alone and isolated when they are drafted to the war, leaving their families behind. 

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