Thursday, February 23, 2023

Two Quotes & Intervention

 Chapter 2: Process The Art of Activism 

Quote #1: "Experimenting with new forms of creativity might make you feel uncomfortable at times, and that's good."

  • I felt like this was an honorable mention merely because this is often times the cause for lack of creativity with many artists. They try to stick to one thing or what they know because the nonconformity is too much for them to handle sometimes. They get driven by producing one good thing and just running with that for as long as possible and this produces lost potential. The best thing to do in order to improve one's craft is to indulge in the discomfort. 
Siegler Chapter 5: Civil Rights 

Quote #2: "This is the real Mississippi. The photograph is dark, terrifying, and difficult to look at, and that's the point." 

  • I chose this quote because I thought it was the perfect illustration for the first quote I mentioned above. When it comes to activism there are different methods that people pursue, however some are considered an extremity and just like the text mentioned, these extremities are considered controversial. This is the one of the effective forms of activism because people hate anything inappropriate or explicit. The unconformity is what triggers a reaction out of people. 

Intervention Idea: 

For my intervention, I'm focusing on the topic of generational trauma. I plan to make a poster/flyer with my own original poem but I plan to involve other writers to write their own poems and create an interview-like session in which we will dissect the poem and discuss the roots of it. Why was this written? Why was it written in this way? How do you think your parents influenced your perception of your own perspective lenses? 

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