Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Amelvis Villafane Intervention One Idea

Social Issue Addressed: Mental Health awareness, the goal was to bring awareness and reduce the stigma around mental illness, and masking in relation to Mental illness.

Masking in a relation to mental illness is the act of hiding or suppressing symptoms of a mental health condition. People usually mask in situations and environments where they are expected to act in a socially normative way — like at school or work, or when meeting new people. Sometimes that means copying the behavior of people around you to blend in, or swapping your usual behaviors with ones that seem more “normal.” 

When a person masks, they’re acting like they don’t have a mental health condition. Masking is typically more about what you don’t do rather than what you do.

Most people with ADHD, Autism and High functioning Depression tend to mask as a means to fit the societal norms.

My idea was to the term "masking" and turn it into an actual mask, and show what was on it. With real images of faces, and show true feelings. The plan is to also ask others when are times they have felt like they were masking. They don't have to answer, but the idea is for them to reflect internally.

Two Quotes from Text

“Simple Message, Bold type, Strength in number” slide 12 Chapter 5 

This talks about the signs “Honor King: End Racism” it explains how you don't need an extremely over thought and creative sign to be an activist and protest. It just needs to get your point across. It needed to show what your message is. And then explains how if a whole bunch of people raise that same sign in the air as you it adds more meaning to it. It shows how with numbers there is strength and power. Same as the sign “ I AM A MAN.” when they were fighting for the rights to be treated equally, and be treated as man. 

“Two acts of defiance nearly 50 years apart deliver the same message: I refuse to be afraid.” Slides 8&9 

This ties in with the idea that is in the book, that explains how there are no new ideas, but just experiences in the past that you can borrow and recreate to appease your agenda. And how there are only new combinations. And it shows a Black Lives Matter protester peace showing resistance towards police which leads to her arrest. And the photo from 50 years prior, shows a 17 year old unarmed girl walking up to the fully armed soldiers to talk. This protest was an anti war protest from 1967. 

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