Saturday, January 28, 2023

Renee's Five Things About Me

Things about me
  1. I am a B.F.A in Illustration. 
  2. I enjoy Fantasy and Science Fiction. 
  3. I have a Shih-Tzu who likes to steal from me. 
  4. I did mural work after I graduated high school. 
  5. In sophomore year I took a zoom oil painting class in my bedroom. I worked until the painting started talking to me. 
5 Socio-political issues I am passionate about: 

  1. Universal Healthcare (disability rights)
    - Basic health care should not cost millions of dollars. I literally cannot afford to get sick! If you're disabled and need proper resources and mobility devices. Good luck because your insurance might not deem the most practical and life-improving device necessary. Not to mention that insurance can stop paying for life-saving medicine at anytime. 
  2. Abortion rights- It's 2023; why are we still having this conversation when greater issues are being dealt with in this country? It's absurdist. 
  3. Poverty in the U.S. 
    - It is too expensive to live in this country, depending on where you are. Food accessibility is also an issue in this area. 
  4. Gay/Trans rights/ safety
    - I am a lesbian, and most of my friends are LGBTQ. It is hard to think that families and groups antagonizing people can harm others. Recently a white supremacist group shot at power stations to stop a drag show from performing. It knocked out power for 40,000 people over a drag show. It is still unsafe for LGBTQ people even if we have the right to marry. 
  5.  Police brutality
    - It is self-explanatory. Everyone should be protected by the police, not terrified by their incompetency. 

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