Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Introduction Post

5 things about me 

- I like exercising
- I am the youngest of 3
- I like going dance
- I love music
- I'm a CJ major

5 social issues 
- Gun Violence 
- Women Empowerment
- Police corruption/misconduct/brutality
- Healthcare availability
- Bullying

The artist that inspired me is Amy Sherald, she's an American painter. Amy works mostly as a portraitist depicting African American doing everyday things. Her signature style is painting black people in gray monochrome set against everyday life like riding a bike or surfing on at the beach. Because there's this stigma around black people's life being tied to struggle, Amy instead uses her art to showcase the opposite. "My work doesn't commit black life to grief" she said. 

I am passionate about women's rights/empowerment because for so long women were denied opportunities, jobs, education. Women have been abused, stripped of their rights over and over. Girls and women continue to face significant challenges all around the world. Most times women are underrepresented in power and decision-making roles. Women usually receive unequal pay for equal work. As we've recently seen Roe vs Wade was overturned and abortion is now outlawed in many states, this has been made to reduce or completely eradicate women's control over their reproductive lives. 

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